Monday, September 8, 2008

McCain, republicans, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

John McCain supports the united states federal government overtaking Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Of course he does, but then he turns around and gives us the same republican rhetoric: Less taxes, less big government, people can take care of themselves and their businesses.  Guess what jackass, sometimes they can't, and that is when government must step in and take action.

Stand by your guns, you coward.  Situationally saying "yes" to big government and increased taxpayer burden only when its good for your campaign is bullshit.  Republicans keep feeding us this horse shit about lower taxes and less spending, meanwhile waiting for another 9/11 or Freddie/Fannie crisis to come along as an excuse to spend money our government doesn't have because of their policies.  

I am sure Sarah Palin supports increased funding for programs helping families with Down Syndrome, but if you ask her if our government should spend more money on social services in general, what do you think she would say?

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